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Giving is a response to the grace that God extends to us. While we can never match the extent of God’s giving, we should seek to respond to the grace God has given us through our actions and our attitudes. “You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor.” 2 Corinthians 8:9
The vision of our local church is to share the Good News of Jesus with our community, to reach out to a world in need and to make disciples of all nations. We can all play our part in this vision by giving of our time and talents. But we can also impact the vision by giving our money. When more is given, more is possible. “Much is required from the person to whom much is given; much more is required from the person to whom much more is given.” Luke 12:48
Over 2000 verses in the Bible talk about money, wealth and possessions and around a third of Jesus’ parables relate to it. This is a vital a part of being a disciple of Jesus. Our giving should be planned and regular, in addition to one-off projects at specific times of need. Our giving should be proportionate to our resources. The Old Testament teaches the principle of tithing and this is a good starting base for New Testament generosity. Tithing simply means giving at least 10% of our income to the kingdom of God. “Giving should be a priority, regular and sustained – set something aside for God on the FIrst day of each week.” 1 Corinthians 16:2


Click here to read the Annual Report for 2023


Standing Orders and Internet Banking

Many people find it helpful to give their financial offering to the Lord by Standing Order or Internet Banking. If you would like to do this please give the bank your name, and your FWO number if you have one. It helps us if you set your Standing Order to pay on a date before the 24th of the month. If you need any help please use the contact button at the bottom to email our Treasurer Graham Todd.

Our bank is Ulster Bank,
The Diamond, Coleraine 

Free Will Offering - Revenue Account
Sort Code   98 04 40
Account Number   18070053

Building and Repair Fund
Sort Code    98 04 40
Account Number   18070137

United Appeal and Missions
Sort Code   98 04 40
Account Number   18070210

Contact the treasurer:


Click here to sign up for
kids and youth programmes


For further information or help,
please click the link  to go to the contact page

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© 2023 by Ballysally Presbyterian Church 

NI Charity Commission Number 105410

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